This past weekend, I attended an amazing
Sabrina Ward Harrison True Living Project art journaling workshop in Seattle, hosted by
Angela Ritchie Ace Camps. I've wanted to do something like this for many years, and my first art workshop certainly exceeded my expectations (and trust me when I say I knew in advance I'd have a wonderful time traveling to Seattle to spend a weekend creating).
It was amazing being surrounded with a group of kind, genuine, and interesting women who seem to share a love for so many of the things I appreciate: seeing beauty everywhere, having large and random collections of art supplies, thrift store shopping, Polaroid cameras. This has done so much to renew my spirit, in ways I can't even put into words right now.
Tomorrow, I head back to class where I'll be learning more about the nature of JavaScript code- but tonight, I will continue savoring the memory of poetry, pink blossoms, and paint on my hands.